Navigating Significant Change
Implementing change is often the mass movement of people and resources in an organisation from a Point A to a Point B in the future. Sometimes Point A is no longer acceptable or feasible, or will be so at some point in the future. Regardless of the logic of the move, to many people in the organisation Point B can often seem uncertain, daunting, risky and scarily different from Point A. Often the journey is broken up into different tasks or parts and it is difficult for everyone to understand what is happening, let alone support or “buy in” to what is happening.

Managing Programmes and Projects
Implementing change is often the mass movement of people and resources. It ought not to be a matter of luck. From our experience of successful change build up over decades, we know that the probability of success can be improved by using appropriate tools and techniques in the areas of
- Communications planning and management
- Schedule / timeframe management
- Budgeting and cost control
- Resource management and team structuring
- Risk management
- Issues management
- Deliverable management
- Quality management
- Change enablement
- Benefits planning and management
- Project management
Navigo’s consultants can guide you through the appropriate use of these resources to meet the needs of your organisation. Our work in this regard is referenced in the testimonials section.

Originating, Structuring and Supporting Mergers & Acquisitions
There are good reasons why business mergers and acquisitions continue to play a significant role in many companies’ value and growth strategies. However, a high proportion of these kinds of transactions fail to create value, and some of them result in a significant loss of value. In most cases you need a guide to help you to cut through the complexities of this area, to be clear on your rationale, select and value acquisition targets and evaluate the long-term potential of the partnership.
There is a myriad of important tasks to perform, including due diligence and ensuring that what your commercial ambition is carried through to how the transaction is actually designed and documented. In most cases of significant transactions you will have a team of professionals to coordinate to execute and close deals. A key to most transactions is having a working business and financial model that supports the transaction as this is key to internal approvals and also accessing funding sources.
You will certain need planning and resources to be dedicated to integrating acquisitions successfully.
Navigo can guide you through these phases to meet the needs of your organisation. One sample of our work in this regard is referenced in the testimonials section.

Changing Organisational Structures
There is wisdom in the old adage ‘structure follows strategy’. Business is like elite sport in some important aspects and one of these is that the most important set of interventions that the manager/coach (or Board in this case) can make is to identify a gameplan to allow it to succeed, and then pick the team and how it lines out on the field.
How an entity organises itself has an immediate and direct impact on important features of performance and ability to achieve strategic goals. Organising, or in most cases re-organising, people and resources to advance towards an important goal is a distinct skill area and one in which Navigo has extensive experience.
This has been built up over many years and in a number of countries. In many cases, we have been retained not only to work collaboratively to design new structures but also to be involved in finding the right people to fill them.

Planning Financing and Refinancing
The strategy and implementation of financing structures can have profound and pervasive effects, either positively and negatively, on key aspects of a business. The size and nature of these decisions can vary from small working capital needs to major capital investment decisions, property funding or wholesale refinancing of what our US colleagues descriptively call the “capital stack”.
These decisions can bring new and different voices around the Board room and management table, can bring a new set of responsibilities and/or can deliver the freedom and resources to make progress towards a cherished goal. They also fundamentally alter the relationships and responsibilities if the entity becomes distressed or starts to head in that direction.
Beyond making sensible decisions, this is an area where the detail of how commercial arrangements are negotiated and documented is of vital importance to the health of your business.
Navigo can be an experienced adviser to you in the process of getting the right combination of resources in place to help you to achieve your goals.

Improving Business Performance
Navigo has experience in steering businesses to improved levels of business performance. In each case we will take a detailed diagnostic look at the business and work with our client to create and implement a programme for change on the key elements. The areas of change may vary. There are obvious strategies of cost reduction, revenue enhancement or increased asset utilisation.
It is recommended that you take a detailed look at your entire cost base as well as examining in detail working capital utilisation. Beyond this, solutions may include a need to invest in branding, key people, new technologies, customer relationships and so on. It may involve making stay/invest/exit decisions in important areas of the business such as supplier relationships or business areas.
We can work with you to implement any necessary changes and better results will come from having a constructive and creative challenge from us and an open mind on some of the large structural elements of your business.

Advising on ad hoc Change issues
Every organisation’s journey is its own special road to travel. If there are other needs in relation to navigating significant change, including ad hoc issues that arise, please contact us.

Get In Touch
If you have any questions or would like to engage our services, please contact us