Navigo invites you to engage, at your Board meeting or offsite meeting, in an interactive session (led by two experienced facilitators) that will elicit a lively and valuable discussion. Duration and topics can be tailored to your Board’s need and circumstances. Sample areas:
- Topical highlights for Board Committees – Remuneration, Risk, Audit, Nominations
- Roles around the Board table and reviewing Board effectiveness
- Directors Duties and Directors Compliance Statements
- Developments in Whistleblowing, Good Faith Reporting
- Upcoming fundamental changes in audit reports
- Specialised material for state/public bodies and the charity sector
- Developing a Corporate Governance Roadmap for the Board.
A two hour interactive session with those charged with governance.
More detail on these Refreshers are available here – Corporate Governance refresher pdf
For a confidential discussion, contact
Brendan Lenihan (01) 477 3404